Andago robot-assisted Therapy in early neurological rehabilitation

Bodan Ward in Münsterlingen

Your specialist for monitored rehabilitation in Münsterlingen.
Early neurological rehabilitation allows our patients to regain their ability to function in everyday life at an early stage after treatment on the acute ward, even if they still require close medical monitoring and treatment due to their state of health. The Rehaklinik Zihlschlacht has many years of experience and expertise in this field. The Bodan Ward, equipped for mechanical ventilation, is designed for the most severely affected patients. It is located in the Lake Constance Cardiac Neuro Center on the campus of the Kantonsspital Münsterlingen and works closely with the neighboring acute care hospitals.

Severe and complicated neurological conditions can result from a neurological illness or injury (e.g., cerebral stroke), multiple injuries or as side effect of intensive treatment. The early start of intensive and comprehensive specialised rehabilitation is vital, enabling our patients to achieve their best outcomes and highest level of independence. The optimal time of transfer to the Bodan Ward is determined by our professionals specialising in early rehabilitation together with the team providing acute rehabilitation at the hospital. The Bodan Ward design and equipment ensure the greatest possible safety of our patients at all times. Impaired consciousness, swallowing and respiratory function or circulation require a high level of medical monitoring, treatment and care.

The Bodan Ward has state-of-the-art monitoring and ventilation systems as well as highly qualified staff experienced in intensive care. Thanks to our diagnostic equipment and close cooperation with physicians and specialists based at the Münsterlingen hospital campus, we are able to react quickly and appropriately to any deterioration in a patient's health condition.

Our doctors, therapists, nurses, social workers and pastoral care staff work closely together making sure our patients benefit from a wide range of neurorehabilitation technologies. We have various state-of-the-art therapy equipment such as stance and gait robotic systems, video endoscopy sets and electrical stimulation, which improves the swallowing function. Our team is also specially trained in effective methods of weaning patients from ventilation. Supporting and training patients and their relatives in a stressful situation is part of our holistic and family participation-oriented approach. After achieving sufficient stability, our patients are welcome to stay at the clinic for further rehabilitation.

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Überwachungsmonitor Station Bodan

Bodan Ward in Münsterlingen


The Bodan ward is closely involved in the medical and organizational processes of the Rehaklinik Zihlschlacht. Once deemed sufficiently stable, our patients may continue their rehabilitation in Zihlschlacht.